Index of Get RARE Properties

Get RARE Properties: Your Expert Investment Buyers Agent:
Unlock financial freedom with Get RARE Properties, Australia's premier investment buyers agent. Partner with us across Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and beyond.

  1. Home Buyer | Property Investor | Get RARE Properties: Buying a home is one of the most significant financial investments you make. Get RARE Properties make buying a home easier saving you money, time, and stress.
  2. Property Investment Guide by Get RARE Properties: Discover the ultimate Property Investment Guide by GetRARE Properties. Learn how to invest in property in Australia with expert advice.
  3. Get RARE Properties: Aussie Commercial Property Investment Guide: Explore the untapped potential of Australian commercial property investment with GetRARE Properties. Expert insights on benefits and strategies await.
  4. Unlock Super for Property: SMSF Investment Guide: Maximise your super's potential with property investment. Navigate SMSF complexities confidently with expert guidance from Get RARE Properties.
  5. Get RARE Properties: Home Buying Guide: Navigate the challenges of home buying with confidence. Find your dream home without the stress with expert assistance from Get RARE Properties.

Workshops | Financial Independence | Training | Get RARE Properties:
Rasti Vaibhav is the Founder of Get RARE Properties, and Author of The Property Wealth Blueprint Book. Learn about financial freedom and attend workshops and training by him.

  1. Get RARE Properties: Financial Freedom Workshop: Embark on your journey to financial freedom with Get RARE Properties. Join our masterclass and learn how to achieve your financial goals.
  2. Join SMSF Property Mastery Workshop: Gain expert insights into SMSF property investment with Rasti Vaibhav. Join our workshop to master the art of SMSF property investing.
  3. Australian Property Expo: Elevate Your Investment Knowledge: Join the Australian Property Expo to gain valuable insights, exclusive deals, and expert advice on property investment. Don't miss out!
  4. Master Mortgage Freedom Strategy: Join our masterclass to discover the strategy most overlooked to achieve mortgage freedom in 10 years. Redefine home debt management.
  5. Get RARE Property Investing Training: Achieve Freedom: Discover how to achieve financial freedom through our property investing training program. Join us to unlock wealth and build a prosperous future.
  6. Find Ideal Properties with Expert Buyer Agents: Maximise your real estate investment with expert Property Buyers Agents in Australia. Specialised in Brisbane, Perth, Sydney, Melbourne. Tailored advice for busy professionals seeking independent, strategic property insights.

Get RARE Model: Tailored Property Investment:
Discover your ideal property investment with Get RARE Properties. Our expert team tailors strategies for first-time investors and home-buyers across Australia, ensuring you find the best property bargains. Experience our thorough 8-step process for a seamless purchase journey.

  1. Get RARE Buyers Agent Services: Your Property Solution: Explore our range of buyers agent services, from full acquisitions to negotiation and auction representation. Let us secure your dream property for you.
  2. Building and Pest Inspection Guide: Navigate your property purchase with our Building and Pest Inspection guide. Uncover secrets and protect against unforeseen expenses.

About Us | Buyers Agent Sydney | Get RARE Properties:
Get RARE Properties is a bespoke & highly personalised buyers agent in Sydney dedicated to providing our clients with extensive research and data-driven advice.

  1. Find Your Dream Property with Expert Buyers Agent!: Join forces with a leading buyers agent to find your ideal dream home or investment in Sydney, Brisbane, Perth or beyond. Expert advice, prime properties await you.
  2. Expert Property Buying with Rasti & Rupali | Buyer's Agent Sydney: Discover expert property advice with Rasti Vaibhav & Rupali Rastogi. Specialising in strategic buying in Sydney, they empower investors & home buyers to make informed choices. Explore top-rated buyer's agent services for financial freedom and investment success.
  3. Founder
  4. Giving Back | Rasti Vaibhav | Get RARE Properties: Get RARE Properties is proud to be an official sponsor of "So They Can", empowering children living in poverty through education. Read here.
  5. Privacy Policy | Rasti Vaibhav | Get RARE Properties: We care about your privacy. Get RARE Properties' Privacy Policy is explained here with a disclaimer as well. Read here.

Free Resources | Financial Independence | eBooks | Get RARE:
Rasti Vaibhav is the Founder of Get RARE Properties, and Author of The Property Wealth Blueprint Book. Learn about financial freedom and read our 2 eBooks for FREE.

  1. Book: The Property Wealth Blueprint | Rasti Vaibhav Get RARE: Fast Track your Financial Freedom by Property Investing. Our new book "The Property Wealth Blueprint" offers financial freedom if you apply the Get RARE model.
  2. 7 Steps To Get Rich and Retire Early | Get RARE Properties: Unlock elite property investment strategies with Rasti Vaibhav. Master 7 key steps to financial freedom and wealth empowerment. Explore best-kept secrets of successful property investing with an award-winning independent buyer's agency. Access rare properties now!
  3. 12 Must-Knows for Property Investors | Get RARE Properties: For a limited time, we are giving away a FREE copy of "Do Not Invest In a Property Until You Read This 12 Critical Points For First Time Property Investors" See here.
  4. Claim your free guide | Get Rich and Retire Early | Get RARE: For a limited time, we are giving away a FREE copy of "Get Rich and Retire Early by Embracing Risks in Building a Passive Property Portfolio". Get it NOW.

Blogs | Get RARE Properties | Sydney | Australia:
Tune in to hear more about Get RARE Properties. Keep yourself updated about our blogs and media updates.

  1. 2020 Australian Property Market Insights: Are you confused where the property market is going? CoreLogic head of research Tim Lawless has dubbed the year 2019 as “the year when new records were set,” given the corrections and changes in the housing market.
  2. Real or Hype: The Reality of Property Hotspots: As a starter, you feel more assured that you are looking at the location deemed as a hotspot and safe to invest in, and you start following all the property experts, newspapers, magazines and investors.
  3. Best Practices for Property Investment Success: Every investment you make should be approached with caution. If you prepare first, you will have the best chances of success, leading to the building of your financial future & setting up the life you desired.
  4. Building a Property Portfolio: Key to Wealth & Early Retirement: A lot of us aspire to own multiple investment properties; not necessarily an easy goal to achieve. There are many advantages to holding a property portfolio as opposed to either owning no properties or possessing just one investment property.
  5. Old vs New Property: Whilst both old and new properties have their fair share of pros and cons, one type may be a better fit for your investment vision and goals. You will be able to narrow your options if you understand the differences early on.
  6. Reasons Why Winter is an Ideal Time to Buy a Property: Many Australians wonder why anyone would venture out to buy a property in winter given the recent rise in interest rates, cool temperatures, ongoing international tensions, and the pandemic tail. You might find this terrifying and questionable, so allow me to shed some light. Is winter an ideal time to buy real estate? I've been in this industry for many years, as a property strategist and as an investor. With that, I can confidently say that winter provides an excellent but often overlooked opportunity for property buyers.
  7. Investor’s Guide: 7 Cruical Clues to Predict Property Booms: Buying a successful investment is always about buying in the right location that will boom. Fortunately, investing comes not with luck but with the right strategy, property and time.
  8. Surfing the Ripple: Smart Property Investing Tips: Explore the 'Ripple Effect' in property investing, drawing lessons from surfing. Understand how market trends in prime areas create ripples in neighbouring suburbs, offering strategic investment opportunities. Dive into this insightful guide for savvy investors.
  9. Beginner's Guide: 7 Must-Know Property Investment Tips: I've been an investor and a property strategist for a while now. Some days when I reflect, I always have this question in mind. If I could go back 5 or 10 years, what would I have liked to know then that would have made me do things differently? As I looked back, it made me realise that there are many things I wish I had known sooner. I would have become a wiser person, and a more successful property investor had I known certain things earlier. Nevertheless, I realised that this might help aspiring and novice investors get off to a good start. So I thought I'd share it with you.
  10. Avoid Overpaying for Properties: 5 Key Reasons & Solutions: Overpaying to purchase a property is a common theme. But why does this happen? Why do buyers overpay for properties they've chosen?
  11. Property Investment w/ No Upfront Cost: Passive Income Guide: Are you looking for a way to #purchase your next property without taking ages saving up for the down payment? Then the following question is, do you have a home you've owned for the last few years? Or even if you just bought your #home in the past year or so? There's a good chance you already have enough equity to use as a deposit for your next purchase. Isn't that great!
  12. Set Your Life Goals: Mapping Your Future with A Long Term Plan: Have you thought about what you want to achieve in your life? Define an ideal day in future, say 10th Feb 2030, and visualise it in detail. The more colour you add to it, the more clarity you would have on your own aspiration.
  13. Demographic Trends: Risks and Potentials Explored: Young migrants have supported population growth and increased the population of those aged 25–34 over the 2010s. As a result, the number of people at retirement age per 100 working-age people (15-64 years) has risen from around 20-25 over the past decade.
  14. Seize Real Estate Bargains Post-COVID-19: Because of COVID-19, many businesses can work from home. In the long run, most companies are looking to make this option permanent. Technology has improved a lot in the last decade, letting people move around and deliver their work.
  15. COVID-19: Its Effect on the Australian Property Market: We are in uncertain times, but there is no need to panic. As you suspect, the property market has been under pressure. Tolerance from the banks for borrowers facing financial hardship should help to stymie the number of distressed properties hitting the market.
  16. Property vs Shares: Unveiling Long-Term Investment Returns: When you look at historical returns, both properties (10.7%) and shares (10.9%) have resulted in similar long-term gains in excess of 10% per annum.
  17. 6 Misconceptions in Property Investing: The Truth Revealed: After a stellar 12 months of house price growth, conditions in the property market are slowly starting to change. The odds of a rate hike from the RBA are increasing by the day and along with the current political uncertainty, sentiment is starting to wane. Many property investors are wondering what they should do and it’s important to look at some common misconceptions that come about in a changing market environment.
  18. 6 Considerations before you choose the right Property Manager: You put your hard-earned money into your investment, so you can receive the best possible return. To maximise your returns & minimise stress, you need a dedicated property manager.
  19. Leverage Equity to Boost Property Investment Success: Are you looking for a way to purchase your next property without taking ages saving up for the down payment? Your property can help you! Read more to find out how.
  20. Dream Home vs. Rental Property: Investment Decision Factors: There is no doubt that homeownership remains to be the most significant Australian dream. But with changing lifestyles, career paths, and affordability, more Aussies are choosing to buy an investment property before buying their first home.
  21. Strategic Property Investment for Wealth Building in Australia: Property investing is arguably one of the best ways to build wealth in Australia. The number of property investors has been growing for the past two decades as more and more people choose to create a better financial future for themselves.
  22. Navigating the Booming 2021 Property Market in Australia: Whenever there is a big wave is coming, the first thought is till when it will last, and that is in the minds of Australian people currently: "Is it just another media gimmick to increase the demand, or is it true that the market will be crazier?"
  23. Find the Perfect Balance: Optimal Property Investment: A property portfolio can take more time to manage than a single high-value property. Yet, there are many advantages despite the risks to aim for a property portfolio to Get Rich and Retire Early.
  24. Interest Rate Rising. What does that mean to the savvy investors?: With the RBA coming out and hiking the official cash rate, the tightening cycle is in the full swing and it has left many property investors asking what it all means?
  25. Hidden Gems: Explore Off-Market Real Estate Advantages: To begin with, one should understand precisely what an off-market property is. An off-market property is a version of a silent sale. It is a property that is for sale but is not publicly listed nor advertised online.
  26. The Compounding Effect: Boost Your Savings Now: Whether you’re contemplating saving for a house, retirement or just a rainy day, you’ve heard that the sooner you start, the better. It’s true. The more time you give yourself to save, the better the chance you’ll have of achieving your goals.
  27. Breaking Bad: Habits of Unsuccessful Real Estate Investors: We all have read about how successful investors effectively and successfully invested in properties. In this article, however, we focus on the habits we should avoid. A dollar saved is a dollar earned.
  28. Positive vs Negative Gearing: Investment Insights: Explore the key differences between positive and negative gearing in property investment. Learn which strategy best suits your financial goals for optimal returns and capital growth.
  29. 4 Essential Steps to Wealth: Building Your Property Portfolio: Having reasonable evidence on why one should have a portfolio and what to look for in it, in this article, we’ll cover how to go about building a portfolio.
  30. Good Debt vs Bad Debt: 4 Reasons to Embrace Particular Loans: You know that there is no golden rule when it comes to debt. Naturally, living life creates debt. Everyone generally says that Debt is BAD. But do you know that all debt is not BAD? The world holds the misconception that debt is a significant threat to personal and business finances. There is some truth in it. But, it is certainly wrong to generalise, though. The debt against a luxury item you only use for special occasions is certainly a threat. However, debt against a rental property that generates income is not.
  31. Beyond Cities: Australia's Regional Property Boom: Australian investors seem not deterred by the pandemic, closed borders, travel restrictions or lockdowns. Instead, investors are continuously buying properties, surprisingly exploring hotspots beyond the city.
  32. Understanding Property Dynamics: Rate Rises Impact: History shows that it requires 5 or 7 rate rises to drench a heated property market, so 1 rate rise would not make much of a difference to the surging property market. So, we should not panic if the RBA changes its mind and lifts interest rates next time.
  33. Recent Macroeconomic Factors supporting the Australian Housing Sector: In the past, almost every doom has been followed by a good property price boom. For example, Australian property median was down by -5.1% in 2008, only to be followed by a growth of 18.1% and 11.9% in 2009 and 2010 respectively.
  34. 10 Major Dangers in Property Investing & Smart Solutions: When investing in property, there are no guarantees, however, you can make informed and calculated decisions that will give you the very best chance of success. Over a long period of time, the property has outperformed just about every major asset class in Australia. While it’s important to be aware of the risks, over time significant wealth has been created through the property.
  35. Why Use a Buyer's Agent? Top 5 Advantages to Maximise Value: Many homebuyers and investors feel overwhelmed by the property purchase process. It doesn't help that a professional real estate agent (sales agent) represents the seller intending to extract maximum money from the sale. When we ask prospective property buyers what their biggest concerns are, it's often a combination of factors.
  36. Unlock Wealth: Transform Equity into Property Assets: Over the years, the property and mortgage markets have evolved. Since May 2022, interest rates have started to normalise, and property price growth has been under check.
  37. Balancing The Art & Science in Successful Property Investing: Is successful property investment an art or a science? Explore the delicate balance between both in property investing. Learn the key strategies for combining both to make informed, profitable real estate decisions and avoid costly mistakes in real estate
  38. Capital Growth vs Cash Flow: Property Wealth Myths Exposed: When we look to use property to grow our wealth we need to take into account both capital growth and cash flow. Over the past few years all the attention has been on the great capital growth investors have been generating, however, a solid property portfolio needs to take into account both elements. If we focus too heavily on one factor the other one drops away. Here are some of the common myths we hear when discussing capital growth versus cash flow.
  39. Smart Property Investment: Essential Due Diligence Steps: While most properties around the country have seen substantial price growth over the past 18 months, savvy investors know that you still need to do your due diligence before buying any property.
  40. Australia's Housing Dilemma: The Federal Budget's Role: Housing has always been a big issue for all Australians, but in recent years, the state of the market has started to reach crisis levels. We are currently experiencing a rental crisis while the overall affordability of homes for everyday Australians continues to decline.
  41. Property Wealth for Retirement: Secure Your Future Now: Learn how to break free from the daily grind and secure your future with a passive property portfolio. Join the path to financial independence.
  42. Property Investing Pitfalls: The 7 Deadly Sins Unveiled: Embarking on the journey of property investment can feel like navigating through a dense forest filled with pitfalls and treasures alike. As we often hear tales of successful investors, we must also heed cautionary tales of those who stumbled. In this discourse, we'll cast a light on the shadowy side of property investment — the seven deadly sins that have led many astray. After all, knowing what to avoid is half the battle won.
  43. The Golden Route to Wealth: Expert Investment Insights: "Financial Freedom," a phrase synonymous with ambition and aspiration, is a prized destination for Australians far and wide. Despite its universal appeal, only about 2-3% of property investors truly strike it rich. The elusive question thus stands: How can one successfully amass lasting wealth?
  44. Australian Property Pulse with Rasti - October Update: Dive deep into Australia's evolving property landscape, from rising housing demand to the impact on household wealth. Get expert insights and strategies from Rasti Vaibhav, the go-to architect of property wealth.
  45. Australian Property Market Update: New Highs & Trends for 2023: Dive into the latest updates on the Australian property market for 2023. From soaring house prices to housing shortages, get the most recent data and trends impacting real estate in Australia.
  46. Oct '23 Australian Housing Update: Trends & Forecasts: Dive into the latest trends of the Australian property market for October '23. From housing price trajectories to off-market properties, stay informed with comprehensive insights on housing trends and predictions.
  47. Weekly Australian Property Market Wrap-Up | Nov 3, '23: Dive deep into Australia's property market trends for the week ending 3rd November '23. From skyrocketing rental demands to a surge in foreign buyers, get the latest insights on what's shaking up the property landscape Down Under.
  48. Property Market Update: Navigating the Latest Australian Real Estate Shifts: Stay ahead of the curve with our Property Market Update. Get the latest insights on the RBA rate changes, soaring unit rents, building approvals, and more affecting Australian real estate. Perfect for homeowners, investors, and first-time buyers.
  49. Nov 17: Navigating Australia's Property Market Changes: Explore the latest trends in the Australian property market for the week ending 17th November 2023. From rate rises not affecting prices to a soaring $10.2 trillion in property values, get in-depth insights into real estate investing, share housing growth, and more. Stay informed with Rasti Vaibhav, your expert in Australian real estate.
  50. Master Debt Recycling: Build Wealth & Pay Off Loans Faster: Explore effective Debt Recycling strategies to build wealth and pay off home loans faster. Learn about leveraging home equity for tax-deductible investments, with insights on implementation, benefits, and risks. Essential reading for smart financial planning.
  51. In-Depth Australian Property Outlook - Week Ending 24 Nov '23: Explore the latest Australian Property Market Update for the week ending 24 November '23. Dive into in-depth analysis and trends across suburbs, luxury real estate, and regional markets. Discover investment opportunities and emerging hotspots in the Australian housing market with Rasti Vaibhav, your expert in real estate investing.
  52. 2023 Australian Property Market: Trends & Insights: Explore the latest Australian Property Market Update for the week ending 01 December '23. Gain insights on apartment construction slowdown, surging home values, buying vs renting trends, affordability concerns, and the rise of regional markets. Essential reading for real estate enthusiasts and investors.
  53. Mastering Negative Gearing in Australian Property Investment: Explore the intricacies of negative gearing and its impact on property investment in Australia. Learn about tax benefits, capital growth, and strategic investment planning for both new and seasoned investors.
  54. Interest Rates & Aussie Property: A Tense Balancing Game: 🔥 Dive into 2023's Hottest Australian Property Trends! 🏠 Witness the unprecedented surge in Aussie real estate with record-shattering prices. Uncover expert predictions for 2024, savvy investment strategies, and the latest hotspots for first home buyers. Get a comprehensive look at the dynamic Australian housing market - your essential guide to mastering real estate investing down under. Don't miss out on these crucial insights!
  55. Australian Real Estate 2024: Trends & Predictions Revealed: Dive into our video exploring the week's key trends in the Australian property market, covering home lending growth, property prices forecast, rental market shifts, and tax changes for foreign investors.

Media | Australia | Rasti Vaibhav | Get RARE Properties:
We share the recent media coverage where Vaibhav Rastogi shares his philosophy of investing right with the right strategy at the right location. Click here.

  1. 10 Key Common Investment Property Risks & Mitigation Tips: Rasti Vaibhav reveals the main 10 risks associated with owning an investment property and offers tips. Experienced investors know that risks and good returns go hand in hand, a balancing act.
  2. Risk to Riches: IT Guy's $7M Property Portfolio via Credit: A former finance worker has revealed how he used his credit card to build the foundations for a property portfolio that’s worth $7m. Rasti Vaibhav’s bold and unusual approach helped him purchase 15 properties in 7 years.
  3. Ben Handler Interview: Property Investment Secrets: Discover the keys to successful property investment in our interview with Ben Handler, CEO of Buyer's Agent Institute. Learn from a former Portfolio Manager's transition to aiding professionals in achieving financial freedom through smart property strategies.
  4. Investing Insights with Rasti on Geared for Growth Podcast: Tune into the Geared for Growth Podcast featuring an insightful interview with Vaibhav Rastogi. Discover his journey from finance to property investment success. Listen now for valuable investing tips!
  5. Catching Up With CUB: Rasti Vaibhav’s Wealth Insights: Daniel catches up with Rasti Vaibhav, Founder of Get RARE Properties. As a first generation immigrant to Australia, Rasti came with debts, had no job, and needed to support his family, but turned it all around by starting as an analyst at Westpac and worked his way to become a Portfolio Manager at AMP Capital, responsible for billion-dollar asset classes. Now, Rasti runs his own buyers agency that helps investors build long-term wealth and retire early. With his wealth of experience in investing and finance, and his love of learning and people, Rasti brings his knowledge and insights to discuss the best practices of investing, the critical importance of educating yourself, being surrounded by the best people, and why having a clear purpose will get you through anything.
  6. Jackson Millan's Podcast: The Pursuit of What You Deserve: How can you achieve what you deserve in life? I guess it is two parts question. The first one is what you deserve and the second: how you can achieve that. The first is a simple and yet a hard one to attempt as your limiting beliefs define it.
  7. Housing Market Guide: Tips for New Home Buyers: First-time home buyer? Don't miss Rasti Vaibhav's seven actionable tips to break into the housing market despite high interest rates and costs.
  8. 15 Properties, 10 Years Real Estate Strategy | Podcast Recap: Recently, I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Phil Tarrant from the Smart Property Investment Podcast.
  9. Sydney Couple's Rapid Success: 4 Properties, $2.2M in 6 Months: The Sydney couple purchased three properties in the space of six months when the market was hot. But they are confident it will create long term wealth for them.
  10. Seize Opportunities in a Shifting Property Market: Gain a new perspective on property investment in tough times. Read expert analysis on why now could be the right time to invest, despite market uncertainties.
  11. Pizza and Property: Exclusive Insights with Todd Sloan: Discover the secrets to successful property investing with Vaibhav 'Rasti' Rastogi on Todd Sloan's Pizza and Property Podcast. Understand the risks and rewards from a seasoned investor's perspective.
  12. Smart Property Choices: Evading Property Investment Traps: How do you spot a bad investment? There are obvious rules, like avoiding the worst street and plunging all your cash into an exposed part of a flood plain. But the very worst decision you can make? Buying the house you’ve fallen in love with.
  13. Celebrating Success: 2021 Business Champion Finalist: For 2021, we are happy to announce that we have been acknowledged as a finalist in the Australian Small Business Champion Awards.
  14. Real Estate Red Flags: 10 Terms That Sell Dud Properties: Real estate agents are known to use sneaky wording to catch your attention and lure you into properties. So if a property is described as “cosy”, “charming” or “conveniently located”, what does that actually mean?
  15. Smashed Avo Podcast with Jordan de Jong: Property Insights: It has been a pleasure to be on the Podcast show with Jordan de Jong from Smashed Avo Property. Loved chatting with you about my story and how I help others. Thanks for giving me this opportunity.
  16. Tyrone Shum Podcast: My $5M Property Investment Journey: Listen to our Property Investory interview with Tyrone Shum to uncover how passive wealth generation can free your time and energy, and how you can replicate a $5 million property success story.
  17. Surviving Rate Increases: A Property Investor’s View: The big four banks wasted no time passing on the full quarter of a per cent home loan rates rise but the impact on property prices and investors remains unclear.
  18. 5 Smart Strategies for Property Investment in Soft Markets: On the back of the recent interest rate rise from the Reserve Bank of Australia, many property investors are wondering what they should be doing in the current market. Over the past few years, homeowners were fortunate enough to see the growth of 25.5 per cent in capital cities and 41.6 per cent in regional areas, according to CoreLogic. But with higher borrowing costs, property values have now declined 9.6 per cent from their highs in capital cities, while regional areas are 7.4 per cent below their peak.
  19. The Role of Buyer's Agents in Property Investment - A Must?: Many people use buyer's agents when they’re buying a home to live in, but when it comes to their investment property, most choose to go it alone because there’s less emotion involved. But in many ways, buyer’s agents are even more important when buying an investment property.
  20. Exploring Real Estate with Ben Handler: Podcast Insights: Recently, I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Ben Handler from the Buyer's Agent Institute Show.
  21. Property Wealth Blueprint: Master Passive Income: Investing is a subject that is often fraught with difficulties, a good amount of fear of the unknown and at the bottom the list of emotions, a desire to be able to become debt free, have a good work life balance and the ability to give back; to simply enjoy life.
  22. Selling Your Home in a Slow Market: 8 Successful Tips: A sharp rise in interest rates over the past year has seen the property market slow down very quickly, and it's now starting to cause some issues for buyers and sellers.
  23. Exclusive Interview: Rasti Vaibhav on Property Investing Success: Gain insights from Rasti Vaibhav, an Architect and ex-Fund Manager, on how to leverage property investing for financial freedom. Listen to his detailed interview with the Enterprise Zone to learn about his innovative property wealth strategies.
  24. Beat Interest Rate Rises: 5 Real Estate Tips | Investment: Should the interest rate hike stop you from investing? The short answer is no. Given the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has raised interest rates as predicted, many new investors are likely wondering whether now is the right time to start their investment journey.
  25. Financial Success with Rasti Vaibhav: Insights & Strategies: Rasti Vaibhav shares his path to prosperity, from an IT career to a property investment guru. Read his insightful strategies for achieving financial well-being.
  26. Investing in Australia's Commercial Property 2023 Guide: If the intentions of the world’s wealthiest are any indication, Australia’s commercial property sector is one of the safest bets this year when it comes to real estate investment.
  27. Right Time to BUY? Property Insights with Mark Bouris & Rasti Vaibhav: When it comes to purchasing property, it’s so important to have the right team of professionals on your side, from accountants to mortgage brokers and agents. And the right strategy, particularly when investing. “It’s all about the importance of a strategy, planning and the right advice upfront, because the cost of ignorance eventually becomes too high.” Author, buyers agent & property strategist Rasti Vaibhav of Get Rare Group joins us this week on Property Insights with Mark Bouris.
  28. 10 Key Risks in Property Investing & Smart Solutions: A successful buyer’s agent has warned about one place in Australia you shouldn’t buy property if you want to get rich through investing.
  29. An Architect's Path to Success | Playing with Perspective Podcast: Join us in this podcast interview with Rasti, where he shares his remarkable story of transforming from an architect to a fund manager and now a buyer's agent. Learn how to make your money work harder for you.
  30. Retire Securely with Smart Property Investment Strategies: If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that we need to have a backup plan in place when it comes to our financial situation. In the early days of the lockdowns, people were unable to work and just how financially vulnerable most people are was laid bare for all to see.

Success Stories - Get RARE Family Member’s Achievements:
Discover inspiring real-life property investment success stories and achievements, featuring testimonials from satisfied clients who achieved wealth creation with the help of our expert buyers agent services. Explore first-time investors' journeys and learn how our tailored strategies have helped grow their investment portfolios.

  1. Amar's Success Story with Get RARE Properties: Read Amar's inspiring testimonial on how Get RARE Properties, a reputable buyers agency, helped him build a thriving property portfolio through rentvesting and passive investing strategies.
  2. Nazia and Misbahul's Property Success | Get RARE Properties: Learn how Get RARE Properties, an independent Buyers Agency, helped a young couple navigate through when they were stressed about paying their mortgage sooner by helping them find their ideal property through trust, clarity, and expert guidance.
  3. Shipra and Awnindra | Get RARE Properties: Learn how Shipra and Awnindra, IT professionals, transformed their property investment goals into reality with the help of an experienced buyers agent from Get RARE Properties.
  4. Shailesh & Sweta's Story: Achieving Financial Freedom: Discover how a young family, Shailesh and Sweta, partnered with Get RARE Properties to secure their financial future and transform their lives through strategic property investments.
  5. Linda Li’s Real Estate Wins | Get RARE Properties: Discover how Linda Li, a successful economist, built a lucrative property portfolio with Get RARE Properties, an independent buyers agency. Learn about her journey and the properties she acquired for long-term wealth and financial freedom.
  6. Kate and Raphael's Success Story | Get RARE Properties: Discover how Get RARE Properties helped Kate and Raphael overcome their fears, invest in 3 properties within 8 months, and achieve financial independence.
  7. Mario's Successful Property Investment Journey with Get RARE Properties: Discover how Mario's life transformed when he started working with Get RARE Properties to build a risk-aware property portfolio. With Rasti's guidance and a structured approach, Mario gained confidence and clarity, overcoming his fears and insecurities about property investing. Now, he is expanding his portfolio and ensuring financial wellbeing for his family. Read Mario's compelling testimonial to learn how the right team and strategy can help you secure your financial future through property investment.
  8. Rahul & Shalu: Property Investment Triumph: From uncertainty to owning two properties - read the inspiring journey of Rahul and Shalu Jain with Get RARE Properties. Let us help you secure your future too.
  9. Rusty Rastogi: Financial Independence with Get RARE: Explore Rusty Rastogi's transformative journey with Get RARE Properties in Sydney's property market. Learn how tailored investment strategies and expert guidance led to significant equity growth and financial independence.
  10. Eddie's Real Estate Success with Rasti's Expertise: Join Eddie Tchigique on his transformational property investment journey guided by Rasti. From fear and uncertainty to confidence and knowledge, discover the pivotal role Rasti played in Eddie's story of success.
  11. Ankur & Kavya's Journey: Success at Get RARE: Join Ankur and Kavya on their transformational journey of property investment with Get RARE Properties. Read their heartfelt testimonial about overcoming struggles and achieving success with our expert guidance and strategic approach.
  12. Melissa & Edy’s Transformation: From Fear to Financial Freedom with Rasti: Discover how Rasti and his team helped transform Melissa and Edy’s fear of property investment into financial freedom. Their journey stands as an inspiring testament to Rasti's value, and how you too can unlock your potential with the right guidance.
  13. Erwin Santiago's Triumph: A Get RARE Properties Success Story: Discover Erwin Santiago's transformative journey from an IT manager to a successful property investor under the guidance of Get RARE Properties and mentor Rasti Vaibhav.

Join Get RARE Properties: Property Acquisition & Sales Careers:
Advance your career with Get RARE Properties. Explore opportunities as a Property Acquisition Manager or Appointment Setter/Sales Consultant. Embrace flexibility, growth, and make a meaningful impact in real estate. Apply now!

  1. Property Acquisition Manager | Join Our Dynamic Team & Transform Lives: Property Acquisition Manager, Unleash Your Property Passion, Property Industry, Real Estate, Get RARE Properties, Career Opportunity, Join Our Team, Transform Lives
  2. Property Sales Consultant | Join Get RARE Properties’ Team: Appointment Setter, Sales Consultant, Property Industry, Real Estate, Get RARE Properties, Career Opportunity, Join Our Team, Transform Lives